Monday, July 23, 2007

Friendly exchange

M and I always play "one good thing" at dinner. That means we take time out to tell each other one good thing about our day. We have a rule that it cannot be something we just did together, it has to be something the other doesn't already know about that day.

The other day my one good thing was something that doesn't happen every day. I drive along Broad St. every day on my way home from work. The speed limit is 50 in most parts and I think 40 in others. I saw brake lights ahead of me in the right lane and all the cars were stopped so I started to break. I eventually came to a stop because the car in front of me was stopped. The lady in the car to my right was stuck behind about 15 Canada Goose (OK, I looked this up on Wikipedia and am always confused about how to make it plural... you get the idea!) who weren't really moving. When the car in front of me went (the goose were no longer blocking our lane) I waved her on as she had clearly been waiting longer than I had and was definitely not going anywhere soon. We came to a stop next to each other at the next light. She rolled down her window and said "Thank you very much". I said "Oh, you are very welcome". And that was the end of the interchange. It was nice to have a friendly exchange on the road instead of road rage. It made me smile and it was my one good thing.

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