Monday, July 23, 2007


M and I received a chest freezer from M's parents a few weeks ago. We were very excited to have some extra freezer room in our basement. We got it all set up, plugged in. We let it get cold and laughed about how we had something in our basement that had cold air in it! In case you weren't sure, M and I are a little bit silly. We bought some salmon in bulk at the grocery store and put in the freezer. We made lasagna and put the leftovers in the freezer. We put a few other miscellaneous things in there as well.

I came home from work the other day and I walked into the house and there was a terrible smell. M proceeded to explain to me that the freezer died. It was pretty bad. We opted to go out to dinner instead of dealing with it. When we got home, we decided we had to deal with it or the whole house would smell. We carried it up the stairs from the basement. Any wafts of smell were unbelievably offensive. We got it out onto our back patio. M got rubber gloves and some garbage bags. We opened the freezer, it was awful. He was sooo brave. He reached into the freezer and pulled out the items. Grrrroooosss. It smelled so bad. He immediately closed the lid again as it was terrible. We double bagged the garbage bags and he was green. I thought he was going to lose it in the garden. We moved the freezer to the end of the patio so the water would flow out of the patio area. He had to remove a plug from the outside AND from the inside of the freezer to open the drainage pipe. We opened the lid and he went back in. I thought to myself it must be true love that he is not making me go in there! We borrowed bleach from our neighbor and dumped it in with a lot of water. Miraculously, it didn't take much. I was surprised how quickly the smell came out. The freezer is cleaned and back in the basement. Still broken but at least it doesn't smell!

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